
CBD And Autism: Benefits of Using Vijaya to treat Autism

Benefits of Using Vijaya to treat Autism

The popularly known drug that has been used for centuries for its medicinal purpose is now being used to treat autism and its ill effects. CBD which is commonly called Vijaya in India is used to cure various diseases and treat several ailments. Its medicinal properties are known to relieve pain and calm the body with its interaction. This helps to bring balance to the body and restore “Homeostasis” to the body.

This article will tell you everything you need to know about the Benefits of Using Vijaya to treat Autism and how it can be used to treat Autism.

What is CBD or Vijaya?

CBD or Cannabinadol is a chemical drug obtained from the cannabis plant. In India, it is commonly called Vijaya. It is one of the hundreds of chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. It is known to interact with the body and relieve pain, used as an anti-inflammatory, to relieve stress and more.

Vijaya interacts with the endocannabinoid system in the human body to induce beneficial effects. The endocannabinoid system is composed of neuro receptors, enzymes and endocannabinoid compounds. Vijaya interacts with the endocannabinoid system and its neuro receptors similar to how the Endocannabinoids interact to induce Homeostasis.

The Vijaya molecules prevent the breakdown of the endocannabinoids in the body and induce the body into producing suitable enzymes that can act on site of inflammation, or pain to bring relief. Apart from this, Vijaya can help improve moods, sleep, regulate appetite, and more.

What is Autism?

Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD is a term used to define a group of neurodevelopmental conditions. There are 5 subtypes of ASD as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5).

ASD is diagnosed mostly in boys than in girls and can be identified as early as 12-24 months of age. Sometimes, these symptoms begin to be seen only later in their life.

The DSM-5 classifies ASD as these 2 categories:

  1. Communication and social interaction problems:
    • People experience issues with Emotional-social reciprocity like sharing emotions or interests and maintaining to and fro conversations.
    • They face challenges with Nonverbal communication and cues that are important for social interaction like understanding body language, communication cues, and also maintaining eye contact.
    • People have problems developing and maintaining relationships like with family or making new friends.
  2. Repetitive or restricted behavior patterns or activities.
    • People tend to have an intense need to stick to specific routines.
    • They may exhibit increased sensitivity to specific sensory stimuli.
    • They can have highly fixated interests.

A person is diagnosed with ASD when they are seen to exhibit all three symptoms of the first category and at least 2 symptoms from the second category. These symptoms make life challenging and harder for them.

Vijaya can be used to ease these symptoms and help make life better for people with ASD.

How does Vijaya help Autism Patients?

Many studies have shown that CBD or Vijaya can be effective to treat the symptoms of Autism. Here are some notable studies:

  • In 2018, a study proved that CBD can be effective to treat autism in children.
  • In 2019, a study on CBD and its effects to treat epileptic symptoms showed improvement in majority of the subjects
  • In 2019, another study showed that Vijaya was effective, safe and well tolerated by autistic patients and to relieve their symptoms.
  • In 2020, a study revealed that CBD can be used as a therapeutic agent to treat mental health and as a treatment for ASD. The study showed that CBD had properties that would alleviate the symptoms.

There are more studies and ongoing trials to investigate how effective Vijaya is to treat autism and its other symptoms like irritability and aggressive behavior.

Vijaya Reduces Aggression Caused by Autism

There has been anecdotal evidence to show that vijaya can be used to reduce aggression and irritability in autistic children. Some parents have claimed that some children who cannot be calmed down during fits of rage can now be reached using calming techniques easily after using Vijaya. Some parents have reported that there are considerably less occurrences of physical violence in autistic children with regular CBD usage.

In 2010, Lester Grinspoon, MD, urged scientists to take up studies on how Vijaya reduces autism symptoms like aggression and violence. Although there is more research to be done, there is significant evidence that CBD can reduce anger bouts and aggression among autistic patients.

CBD and its Benefits for Autism and Epilepsy

Benefits of Using Vijaya to treat Autism

Many scientists be;ive that there are significant links between autism and epilepsy, a neurological condition that causes recurrent seizures. Recent studies reported by the American Epilepsy Society (AES), 30% of the children diagnosed with ASD also suffered from epilepsy.

Studies show that eplieptic seizures result due to differences in brain development which may cause some brain cells and neurons to act abnormally. This can be treated with anticonvulsant drugs like CBD.

CBD can work on different channels like calcium ion channels, glutamate receptor antagonists, sodium ion channels, and the GATA system and receptor agonists. This can act as anticonvulsants which affect the neurotransmitters responsible for sending messages. This alters the activity of the cell and switches the ion flow in and out of neurons. CBD The Potent Treatment for Arthritis.

Using Vijaya for Autism

The Benefits of Using Vijaya to treat Autism can be safely used to help ease ASD symptoms. Many prefer Vijaya oil or gummies or capsules that can be taken everyday. Using Vijaya regularly can help to see significant difference and improvement in symptoms.

The dosage of Vijaya products must be determined carefully. Higher dosage can sometimes result in vomiting or nausea, drowsiness, or dry mouth. Hence, it is advisable to discuss with a physician or a Vijaya specialist regarding the dosage.

Many studies and research is continually being made on the effectiveness of Vijaya against autism and epilepsy. Using Vijaya to treat AD symptoms, not only helps people experience lesser aggression and irritability. It also helps them form relationships easily and respond well to social cues. It makes communication easier and helps them bond well in social gatherings enriching their overall quality of life.

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